We help our clients recoup their
Finances & Portfolios
lost to Forex Trading/Crypto scams

IFO assist victims of various fraud schemes in recovering lost or suspended assets by providing software to track any transaction made under their legal name on the Blockchain system.

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In 97.4% of registered cases local authorities fail to assist victims in retrieval of their cryptic values (Study conducted by ActionFraud in august of 2021), this entities like IFO were created to connect victims with licensed agents who specialise on transactions, who have direct communication with entities like Blockchain and SWIFT, these individuals are informed about your case and are ready to assist you by helping you take all the legal steps necessary to claim back suspended value that could be currently registered under your legal name with or without your knowing. Assigned agents will also further prevent you from being involved in identity theft or money laundering (Whitewhashing).

For the drafting of the Case report, the first step is to understand the case. For this, we request that the client sends us all the relevant documentation and evidence he/she possesses.

1 » Fraud Detection
Tell us if you believe you were victimized by a fraud that involved commodity futures, options on futures, swaps, commodity pools, binary options, foreign exchange, digital assets, or other derivatives. If the fraud occurred in your local community, you could also report the matter to the police and your district attorney. You may need to file a police report if you plan to file an insurance claim for fraud losses. Fraud Detection with Machine Learning becomes possible due to the ability of ML algorithms to learn from historical fraud patterns and recognize them in future transactions. Machine Learning algorithms appear more effective than humans when it comes to the speed of information processing. Also, ML algorithms are able to find sophisticated fraud traits that a human simply cannot detect. Fraud detection is a set of activities undertaken to prevent money or property from being obtained through false pretenses. Fraud detection is applied to many industries such as banking or insurance. In banking, fraud may include forging checks or using stolen credit cards.
2 » Fraud Investigation
Fraud investigations begin with a meeting between the investigator and the client/victim. The person launching the investigation explains why they suspect deceit and hands over any evidence they have supporting their claims. A good fraud investigator will use this initial information to find more evidence and intelligence. Frequently the very same fraudsters that defrauded you the first time will try to act in good faith as your assigned investigator, unless person contacting you provides you with their credentials (PDF File of their license, Proof of ID and their personal contacting number), do not give them undeserved trust. After confirming investigators identity, please follow their instructions and provide them with all the necessary information to help your case.
3 » Fraud Recovery
We Understand You It’s a nightmare of any investor if one can’t withdraw their own money. Probably, you have come across refused or paused withdrawals. There could be two reasons for this: the company you’ve been dealing with may not be a legitimate entity or, if it is a genuine company, it’s been enforcing strict withdrawal schemes to make sure money is transferred to the right person.
4 » Blockchain Monitoring
Blockchain technology is based on a decentralized model, in which peers collaborate and build trust over a business network. Each peer organization can be represented by one or more nodes and this network of nodes is used to broadcast transactions and reach consensus for each transaction submitted. Each node is supposed to be self-sufficient with the ability to serve any of the distributed applications and/or existing enterprise applications. However, the health of each blockchain node and the entire blockchain network needs to be monitored to ensure truly decentralized and robust operations. A typical blockchain network comprises of a set of interconnected nodes that act as peers. These nodes usually are hosted on cloud/on premise infrastructure where the blockchain runtime is set up natively on a virtual machine (VM) or by using containerization technologies such as Docker. Transactions submitted to the blockchain network are broadcast to all peers and the new blocks created are propagated, so that all peers have an updated copy of the shared ledger. To gain insight to the block, its transaction related events and associated metadata, monitoring of any one of the peers is sufficient. And that is usually done by using blockchain explorer, which listens to the events and provides some visualization of the number of transactions received, queued, processed and finally grouped into a new block. However, this level of monitoring does not provide any clue to the usage of resources on that node or the health of other nodes or the latency experienced within the blockchain network. Another key element that needs to be monitored to gain end-to-end visibility of a blockchain based solution is the off-chain components that comprises of the dApp (decentralized application) layer. The dApp layer comprises of user interface, storage and API (Application Program Interface) SDK (Software Development Kit) components, through which the interaction with a blockchain node is enabled.
5 » Transaction Supervision
Thousands of operators work tirelessly in front of their desks, supervising and monitoring all and every single transaction taking place on the blockchain system that has either part of it unverified, unsolicited or suspicious due to single or various reasons. These operators make sure the transaction is confirmed manually when the automatic system fails. Manual supervision may be done with a simple e-mail asking for your confirmation, if urgent, you might also receive a call (Contact information collected from your public exchange platform) to swiftly allow or suspend a transaction taking place under your legal name.
6 » Regulatory Framework
Some organisations will have established specialist counter fraud teams and these standards and guidance are designed to enable those teams to develop their capability in a common way across government that will, over time, increase the ability of these organisations to share resource and practice under a common understanding. For organisations that make use of more part-time internal investigative resource, the intention is the resource should develop to meet the standards within this document if they do not already. To begin with, an organisation may decide that the foundation standard level in the competency framework is most relevant to their organisation. Over time, these resources have the opportunity to increase their capability against these standards to Practitioner level with the intention of making investigation functions more efficient and effective, and enabling greater crossover between individuals.